1. suite 套房
2. deluxe suite 豪華套房
3. presidential suite 總統套房
4. single room 單人房
5. double room 雙人房
1. suite 套房
2. deluxe suite 豪華套房
3. presidential suite 總統套房
4. single room 單人房
5. double room 雙人房
1. headboard cabinet 床頭櫃
2. nightstand 床頭几
3. wardrobe 衣櫥,衣櫃
4. closet (固定在牆上的)衣櫥
1. bleed 流血
2. dislocate 脫臼
3. hurt 受傷,疼痛
4. faint / pass out 暈厥,昏倒
1 tar (U) (菸)焦油,柏油/瀝青 |
26 entice 引誘 |
2 sloth |
1 depose 罷免,革除 |
26. in the vicinity 在……附近 |
2. tea garden |
1. enormous 巨大的 |
26. adoptive parent (領)養父母 |
2. bar code |
crane |
起重機 |
26 |
use him as an excuse |
拿他當藉口 |
purebred puppies |
純種小狗 |
1. black and white stone |
黑子和白子 |
26. have..on one’s mind |
有……心事 |
Our company offers lots of fringe benefits. |
我們公司提供很多額外福利 |
26 |
mimic human expressions |
模仿他人 表情 |
verbally submit one’s resignation. |
口頭請辭 |
26 |
a cavalier attitude to … |
對…傲慢的態度 |
awe-inspiring |
令人驚嘆的 |
26 |
1. revolutionary (adj.): 革命性的 2. educator (n.): 教育學家 3. interact (v.): 互相作用,互相影響 4. retarded (adj.): 智力遲緩的,弱智的 5. cautious (adj.): 小心謹慎的 |
1. black out 短暫昏厥,一陣暈眩 2. lose consciousness 失去知覺 3. scheme 計畫,方案 4. brief 簡報,概要 5. bulletin 公報,公告 |
1. artery 動脈 2. succumb to = yield to = surrender to = submit to = give in to 屈服於…… 3. in moderation = moderately = reasonably = modestly = sensibly = in moderate amounts |
1. inherent in 生成於……,自然存在於…… 2. start the conversation 開始與人交談 3. take the first step 跨出第一步 4. take the initiative 採取主動 5. Don't mention it. 不客氣。 |
1. parade 遊行 2. wealth 財富 3. helmet 安全帽 4. greeting card (n): 賀卡 5. spring couplet (n): 春聯 |
1. meltdown (n.): 核能電廠反應爐核心熔毀 2. spurt (v.): 噴射,噴出 3. radiation (n.): 輻射,放射線 4. deception (n.): 欺騙 5. to pay a pretty penny 花一大筆錢,所費不貲 |
1. golden age 黃金時代,全盛時期 2. come into vogue 開始流行 3. accompaniment (n.) 伴奏,伴唱 4. commercially (adv.) 商業上,貿易上 5. elaborate (adj.) 精心製作的,精巧的 |
1. intrinsic (adj.) 本質的,固有的 2. coin (n.) 硬幣 3. crude (adj.) 未經加工的,天然的 4. abuse (n.) 濫用,虐待 5. dip (n.) 浸,泡 |
1. set out 上路,出發,著手進行 2. staff 全體職員,安插職員於…… 3. expedition (n.) 遠征,探險 4. inhospitable (adj.) 不好客的,冷淡的 |
1. in accordance to = according to 根據…,依照…
2. skull (n.) 頭(蓋)骨
3. unearth (v.) 發掘
4. arch(a)eology (n.) 考古學
5. culminate (v.) 達到最高點,達到高潮
1. bachelor’s degree 學士學位
2. bad debt 壞帳
3. bank commission 銀行 佣金
4. bankrupt 破產的
5. base salary 底薪
1. abate 對……打折扣
2. abbreviated address 簡略地址,縮寫地址
3. abbreviation 縮寫
4. absent 缺席的,未到的
5. accident insurance 意外險
1. Did Janet wear a pink jacket yesterday?
2. How do you like your music class?
1. Yes, Janet wore a pink jacket yesterday.(造原問句)
一、單字 & 片語
1. ( ) She is going to have her wedding ______ in the castle.
(A) admission (B) banquet (C) retreat (D) excursion
2. ( ) Come on in, it ______ to rain outside.
(A) is able to (B) is up to (C) is due to (D) is about to
1. stop running (停止運轉)
2. break down (故障)
3. The TV doesn't work. (電視壞掉了。)
4. be 動詞 + broken (損壞了)
1. A dedicate to B A 致力於 B
2. in hopes of = in the hope of = with the hope of
3. eternal (adj.) 永久的,永恆的
4. notify (v.) 通知
1. No offense! 沒有惡意!/ 無意冒犯! 2. Be faint at heart 容易害怕的 3. It’s not so bad in the scheme of things. |