1 tar (U) (菸)焦油,柏油/瀝青 |
26 entice 引誘 |
2 sloth 樹懶 (C) / 懶惰 (U) |
27 noticeable 顯著的,值得注意的 |
3 long to = be eager to 渴望 |
28 creditor 債主 |
4 toilet stall 廁所隔間 |
29 squatter toilet 蹲式馬桶 |
5 mural (C) 壁畫 |
30 glamorous 迷人的 |
6 tremor(C) 震動 |
31 palmtop 掌上的,掌上型電腦 |
7 have a weight of = weight … 重量是…… |
32 a music-themed restaurant 音樂主題餐廳 |
8 ethnicity 種族地位 |
33 moped(s) 電動腳踏車 |
9 an autonomous region 自治區 |
34 various wares 各式各樣的商品 / 貨物 |
10 loot (U) 贓物,掠奪物 |
35 legitimate 合法的,正當的 |
11 snout(s) (動)口鼻 / 豬嘴 |
36 a tandem bicycle 協力車 |
12 vulture(s) 禿鷹 |
37 currency deflation 通貨 / 貨幣緊縮 |
13 gold-plated sinks 鍍金的水槽 |
38 boast about / of his wealth 誇耀/炫耀他的財富 |
14 euphemism 委婉語 |
39 Portuguese 葡萄牙人/語 |
15 entomologist 昆蟲學家 |
40 Spaniard (s) 西班牙人 |
16 carousel 行李輸送帶 |
41 indigestive 消化不良的 |
17 facial expression 臉部表情 |
42 digestive system 消化系統 |
18 That basket counts. 那球進算。 |
43 moisturizer 潤膚霜 |
19 put your money where your mouth is 說到要做到,別光說不練 |
44 moist 潮溼的,多雨的 |
20 neurobiologist 神經生物學家 |
45 muggy 悶熱的 |
21 … will talk place on schedule ……將如期舉行 |
46 sub = submarine 水下的 / 潛艇 |
22 call a foul 吹犯規 |
47 aircraft carrier 航空母艦 |
23 They’re only down by one. 只落後一分 |
48 win-win 雙贏的 |
24 home team 主場隊伍 |
49 protect = be protective of 保護 |
25 jurisdiction 轄 / 管區(範圍),司法權 |
50 playwright 劇作家 |
51 apricot(s) 杏仁 |
76 neural connections 神經連結 |
52 palette 調色盤 |
77 tedious 冗長的,令人厭煩的 |
53 graze (vi) (牛羊)吃草 |
78 die out 滅絕,逐漸消失 |
54 pathology 病理學 |
79 dry up 乾涸 |
55 cortex 腦皮層 / 大腦皮質 |
80 vacationer 度假人士 |
56 alga / algae(複數) 海 / 水藻 |
81 advocate (s) 擁護 / 倡導者 |
57 reach a conclusion 達成結論 |
82 holidaymaker 假日遊客 |
58 cause liver damage 傷肝 |
83 both A and B = A and B alike |
59 for the benefit of. 為..利益 = in the interest of... |
84 festive day = festival 節日 |
60 fair enough 有道理 |
85 lunch in a Chines restaurant 在中式餐廳吃午餐 |
61 rustproof 防鏽的 |
86 That was in the norm. That was a norm. 那是常態。 |
62 bison (已是複數) 北美 / 歐洲野牛 |
87 in detail = at length 詳細地 |
63 ballistic test 彈道測試 |
88 exert a profound effect on … 對…造成深遠影響 |
64 go ballistic 失去理智 / 暴跳如雷 |
89 migrate northwards 向北遷徏 |
65 fire drill 消防演習 |
90 (get/have ) stage fright 怯場 |
66 drill = exercise = practice 演習 |
91 bring …back to life 使…復活 |
67 stink at… 在…很差勁 / 不在行 |
92 boutique 精品店 |
68 false alarm 假警報 |
93 corrode 腐蝕,侵蝕 (vi, vt) |
69 raid 突擊檢查(n.vt.) |
94 blood pressure 血壓 |
70 surprise drill 無預警演習 |
95 currently = at present = for the time being 目前 |
71 carburetor(c) 化油器 |
96 cause ill effects 造成不良後果 / 副面影響 |
72 feature words by… 展出…的作品 |
97 deplete one’s wallet 讓荷包(大)失血 |
73 awe 威嚇,嚇唬 |
98 a genuine silver necklace 純銀項鍊 |
74 lasagna 千層麵 |
99 endocrine gland 內分泌腺 |
75 dissertation 學術論文 |
100 rice dumpling (s) 粽子 |