1 use him as an excuse 拿他當藉口 26 a rafting trip 泛舟之旅 2 gross US$1 million in ticket sales 票房進帳一百萬元 27 take a compromise between … 在…之間採取折衷方案 3 NT$1 million after taxes 扣稅後一百萬元 28 boundless imagination 無限的想 像力 4 Olympic Games 奧運比賽 29 time seems to stand still 時間似乎 靜止 5 criminology expert 犯罪(學)專家 30 I’m sold on it. 我相信它。 6 rabies 狂犬病 31 hit the shelves hit the market hit the screen 上架 上市 上映 7 sentimental 多愁善感的 32 20 households in the community 這社區有 三十戶人家 8 dog shelter(s) 狗收容所 33 a small forward. (籃球) 小前鋒 9 ever-increasing 愈來愈多的 34 This is just a little something. Please accept it. 這只是一點小意思。請收下。 10 criminal law 刑法 35 It’s OK! It’s the least I can do. 沒關係啦,意思一下。 11 civil law 民法 36 Do you happen to have five hundred dollars with you? 你身上會不會剛好有五百塊啊? 12 explosive 炸藥 37 happen to sit by him 碰巧坐在他旁邊 13 compulsory education /military service (不用 compulsive) 義務教育/役 38 How often does the bus leave for Houston? 到休士頓的子車多久一班? 14 the species will die out 物種會滅絕 39 Not a second thought. 別考慮了! 15 One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 人各有所好。 40 Would it be okay if I use this machine? 我能不能用這台機器啊 16 Outrageous! 太離譜了! 41 Don’t let chances pass by. 別錯失良機 17 I’ll sell them to you for NT$50. 它們賣你五十。 42 I don’t see any reason why not. 沒什麼不可以的啊。 18 dehumidifier 除濕機 43 if it’s not too much trouble 如果不是太麻煩的話 19 He makes a living by running this red bean cake stall. 他靠擺這個宏豆餅攤維生。 44 We are all busy with work. 我們都忙著工作。 20 get ripped off 被敲竹槓,剝削 45 run one’s mouth 高談闊論 21 They are putting up decoration for the party tonight. 正為晚上的派對做佈置 46 allergen 過敏原 22 oil painting(s) 油畫 47 autistic autism 自閉的 自閉症 23 a must-have in the summer 夏日必備聖品 48 has stirred anger 引起憤怒 24 a parasol shades 陽傘 太陽眼鏡 49 autoimmune 自我免疫的 25 It’s time to pig out. 大餐一頓的時間到了 50 They have a lot of burdens. 他們有許多包袱。
You’re so annoying! |
你煩死了! |
76 |
have a rage for |
熱衷於…… |
paradoxical statements |
似是而非的陳述/言論 |
77 |
idiosyncratic |
獨特 / 與眾不同的 |
insensitive |
未顧及他人感受的,有失尊重的 |
78 |
people born in the year of the dog |
狗年出生的人 |
consent (to V) |
同意, 贊成 (n.) / (v.) |
79 |
chic boutique(s)
高級/時髦精品店 |
accomplice(s) |
共犯 |
80 |
fashion devotee(s) |
時尚愛好者 |
Let sleeping dogs lie. |
不要多管閒事,別惹麻煩 |
81 |
indispensable |
不可或缺的 |
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. |
老狗變不出新把戲。 |
82 |
be in the way of |
在…的路線中 |
58 |
a dog-eat-dog world |
狗咬狗的世界 |
83 |
Spend the money where it is most needed. |
錢要花在刀口上。 |
59 |
work like a dog |
辛苦、賣的工作 |
84 |
consumer goods |
消費品 |
60 |
avenue = boulevard |
大道 |
85 |
daily necessities / essentials |
生活用品 |
61 |
unprecedented |
史無前例的 |
86 |
refuse to play the character of a … |
拒絕演… |
62 |
使大怒 |
87 |
破紀綠的 |
63 |
adjourn the meeting
休會 |
88 |
consent (to) |
同意, 答應 |
64 |
89 |
coarse |
粗糙/俗的 |
65 |
intensify |
增強 |
90 |
corpse |
(人)屍體(C) |
66 |
resurgent |
復活的 |
91 |
cadaver |
(人)屍體(C) |
67 |
dune(s) clay dune |
沙丘 土丘 |
92 |
68 |
barcode(s) |
條碼 |
93 |
share the bill |
一起分攤帳單 |
69 |
therapeutic |
有療效的 / 治療的 |
94 |
split the tab(口) |
分攤費用 |
70 |
calculus |
微積分 |
95 |
meteorite |
(C) 隕石 |
71 |
denominator |
分母 |
96 |
in-violable |
不可褻瀆/侵犯/違背的 |
72 |
numerator |
分子 |
97 |
play leapfrog |
玩跳背/蛙遊戲 |
73 |
積雲,堆積 |
98 |
exhaust |
詳盡研究 |
74 |
online auction |
網拍 |
99 |
tater(s) |
馬鈴薯 |
75 |
buckle up
扣緊 |
00 |
snowflake |
雪花 |