








它不僅把我從我的「comfort zone」(舒適區,意指讓人感覺心安或習慣的事物) 抽離,還讓我體會到,其實建立我的另一個舒適區,並沒有想像中那麼難,不過需要一些心理建設倒是真的。

經過了第一階段的申請及第二階段的團體測驗及個人表達,我很幸運地獲選參加由美國 UCLA 所舉辦的商業領導人競賽,和我同行有另外四位好夥伴,這段時間我們建立了一個團隊都會有的情感連繫,彼此一同努力、相互照應。除了 Cindy 是商研所的同學外,其他四位都是 Global MBA 的同學 (Global MBA 是台大最近幾年成立的研究所,主要修習的是商業課程,絕大多數課程都用英文上課,英文能力是決定錄取與否的考量之一)。

我們全部都是來自亞洲國家的背景,一位來自馬來西亞,語言能力我們之中最好的,他不僅會英語,還會講中文、台語、馬來話,自己後來還自修日文,實在是超強的。以前的話,我一定會一個羨慕到不行,但其實一個人的語言能力,有一大部分決定在「時機」與「環境」。我在幾個馬來西亞和新加坡朋友身上都發現這樣共同的語言優勢,我能做的,不是去一味地比較,而是該想想我如何突顯自己的長處。另外四位是土生土長的台灣小孩,因共同的夢想,在機會之神的安排下,聚在一起,在原本分叉的道路上,匯集了共同的目標,在三天的比賽時間中,一起走過這段令人永遠忘懷的時光。不過因為 Ivan 旅遊經驗豐富,他提出先到美國幾天,「順便」去旅行的構想,我們當然是點頭如搗蒜。我原本還在擔心那提前到這幾天要住哪裡,Ivan 二話不說,我可以去他朋友家窩一下。


就在充分感受到這次比賽競爭之激烈,以及比賽規則尚未完全掌握的情況下,我們依照指導教授的提議,在出發前一個月開使閉關練習。常常就是在中午空檔時段排定一個模擬的進度,邊吃著不像樣的午餐 (如果一個肉包也算的話),邊仔細聆聽隊友的簡報,並針對其中的優缺點發表看法,充份交流意見,期望能把整體的實力調整到最佳狀況,並培養不可或缺的團隊默契。畢竟這是代表學校去參賽,如果事前不盡力準備,怎麼對得起家鄉父老呢 (有點太誇張了)!

Carol (我們的指導教授,人很活潑,也給了我們很棒的意見,讓我們解除不少心中的壓力) 最後我們要針對每個人作簡報時的台風、內容的呈現,以及個人特質為考量,選出心目中的隊長人選。最後我們推派出 Ivan 帶領大家往前邁進。他的確是實至名歸,因為他不僅有領袖的特質,而且對如何從構思、整合到具體呈現的過程有自己的一套方法。

不過前置作業還不只這些,一大堆文件也是必需趕在出發前辦妥。一天早晨,我準時到信義路 AIT 門口報到,一看到這麼多人來辦簽證,當場傻眼。現場安檢相當嚴格,一下子是脫皮帶,一下子又是通過金屬探測器,搞得神情愈來愈緊張。心想按照這樣複雜的流程與蝸牛般前進的速度,我可能得等到下午五點吧。幸好在這樣的機構,還是有它的一套效率在,尤其是到最後一關,相關官員親自和我聊的時候,一看文件是標明學術性活動,當場二話不說,馬上蓋章。這怎麼說呢,這算「特 (別的) 權 (利)」嗎?其實有時候有這樣的待遇,會讓人有意外的驚喜吧,至少我在當時排了那麼久的隊伍之後是這樣想的。順便一提,這次比賽的來回機票、比賽期間的食宿費,以及美國簽證完全免費,這樣少說有四、五萬吧。我實在不是一直要提到錢的問題,但不可否認的,這的確是吸引我一路參加比賽的動力之一,它是引燃動機的火種,有了它會更讓人安心地往前走。

為了這次比賽,我還特地花幾天的時間去增購行頭及相關配備,從西裝 (穿起來還真是人模人樣的)、領帶、皮鞋、名片、背包、個人用品等,朋友看了還以為我要去做生意哩。一切準備就緒,現在就等著出發那一天的到來。


就是這封寫給美國在台協會 AIT 的信讓美國官員馬上蓋章。


給 AIT 的信.jpg 




February 29, 2008



[Embassy or Consulate] of the Unites States of America

[Address of Embassy or Consulate]


To Whom It May Concern: (給敬啟者)


This letter is to confirm that [Mr. or Ms.] [First / Given Name] [Last / Surname], a current MBA graduate student at [School Name], has been accepted to participate in our Global Business Leadership Competition at UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, California.  [Mr. or Ms.] [Last / Surname] is expected to attend UCLA for the duration of the competition, which begins on April 10, 2008 and continues through the evening of April 12, 2008.  We are recommending that [Mr. or Ms.] [Last / Surname] arrive in Los Angeles no later than midday on April 10th, and depart Los Angeles no earlier than late morning on April 13th.


The Global Business Leadership Competition brings together MBA students from over 15 schools from around the world in a broad dialogue on global leadership.  The event will provide a forum for students to learn from each other while showcasing and stretching their own leadership skills and interacting with global business leaders and academics.  The GBLC will serve as a nexus for educational exchange poised at the forefront of global leadership thinking.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. (要是您有任問題,請儘管與我們聯絡) 

這個句子是倒裝句,原本是「If you should have any question, ...」,當「if」省略時,該子句倒裝,所以就把助動詞「should」放句首,後面結構不變。

Sincerely, (誠摰地) 這是寫信結尾時用語,要加「,」。


xxxxx xxxxx

Faculty Advisor




Student and Advisor Information Form


Name:  [(Kevin)]

School:  [National Taiwan University]


Entry Visa

  1. Does the United States require that nationals from your country have an entry visa in order to enter the United States?  [Yes]

If you have not already secured an entry visa, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with your local US consulate office immediately.  Please let us know if you require any further assistance.


Travel Schedule

Note:  LAX is the short form name of Los Angeles International Airport

  1. Flight to LAX information:  [Enter Airline and Flight Number Here]
  2. Arrival time in Los Angeles:  [Enter Your Arrival Date and Time Here]  (抵達 L.A. 時間)
  3. Flight from LAX information:  [Enter Airline and Flight Number Here]
  4. Departure time from Los Angeles:  [April 13, 13:10] (從 L.A. 啟程時間) 我只是要印證一件事,就是你現在所學的東西,有一天一定會派上用場,這些是搭飛機必備單字。


Personal Information

  1. Preferred name:  [Kevin xxx]
  2. Local language name:  [xxx xxx-xxx]
  3. Gender:  [Male]
  4. Email address:  [xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx]
  5. Mobile phone number (if you plan to use it in the US):  [xxxxxxxxxx]
  6. What type of job did you have before business school?


  1. What are your hobbies and interests?

[Watching movies, traveling, playing basketball]

  1. If you have any dietary restrictions, please enter them here:


  1. If you have any special needs or restrictions, please enter them here:


  1. If you have any health issues we should be aware of, please enter them here:


  1. Have you emailed your picture to XXXXX XXXXXX?  [Yes]
  2. Have you emailed your English language resume to XXXXX XXXXXX? [Yes]


Emergency Contact Information (緊急聯絡資訊)

  1. Emergency contact name:  [xxx xxx-xxx]
  2. Emergency contact phone number:  [xxx-xxxxxxx]
  3. Alternative emergency phone number:  [xx-xxxxxxxx]

Emergency contact address:  [xxxxxxxxxxx]

  1. Emergency medical contact (if different):  [Name of Emergency Medical Contact]
  2. Emergency medical contact phone number:  [Phone Number of Emergency Contact]





Extension Work

  • 1. Take any four business, sporting or political leaders. Discuss what you think their leadership style is and what theory of leadership they best fit.
  • 2. Can an individual be taught leadership or are leaders born?


Below is a list of statements about leadership behavior. Read each one carefully, then, using the following scale, decide the extent to which it actually applies to you. For best results, answer as truthfully as possible.

never          sometimes          always
  0      1      2      3      4     5


  • 1. _______ I encourage my team to participate when it comes decision making time and I try to implement  their ideas and suggestions.


  • 2. _______ Nothing is more important than accomplishing a goal or task.


  • 3. _______ I closely monitor the schedule to ensure a task or project will be completed in time.


  • 4. _______ I enjoy coaching people on new tasks and procedures.


  • 5. _______ The more challenging a task is, the more I enjoy it.


  • 6. _______ I encourage my employees to be creative about their job.


  • 7. _______ When seeing a complex task through to completion, I ensure that every detail is accounted for.


  • 8. _______ I find it easy to carry out several complicated tasks at the same time.


  • 9. _______ I enjoy reading articles, books, and journals about training, leadership, and psychology; and then  putting what I have read into action.


  • 10. _______ When correcting mistakes, I do not worry about jeopardizing relationships.


  • 11. _______ I manage my time very efficiently.


  • 12. _______ I enjoy explaining the intricacies and details of a complex task or project to my employees.


  • 13. _______ Breaking large projects into small manageable tasks is second nature to me.


  • 14. _______ Nothing is more important than building a great team.


  • 15. _______ I enjoy analyzing problems.


  • 16. _______ I honor other people's boundaries.


  • 17. _______ Counseling my employees to improve their performance or behavior is second nature to me.


  • 18. _______ I enjoy reading articles, books, and trade journals about my profession; and then implementing the new procedures I have learned.






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