1.   refer A to B A 交給 B

2.   refer to /事物    提到……人/事物

3.   How would you like to + V


4.   digital camera 數位相機 

5.   It is said + that + S + V 據說……

6.   caffeine 咖啡因

7.   addictive 上癮的

8.   hand-made 手工製的

9.   man-made 人造的

10. homemade 自製的,國產的

11. from generation to generation 世世代代

12. ornament 裝飾品

13. attic 閣樓,頂樓房間

14. Last year was the first time that I did it.


15. remind me of … 提醒我……

16. remind sb. to V 提醒某人去……

17. behave oneself 要某人守規矩

18. be busy + V-ing 忙於……

19. on my father’s side 父系

20. have sb. over 邀請某人 = invite sb.

21. suffer from 受……所苦

22. cope with 處理

23. disorder 失調

24. symptom 症狀

25. vomit 嘔吐

26. lay an emphasis on 強調……

    lay 可用 place put 取代)

27. divide A into B A 區分為 B

28. distinctive 獨特的

29. analyze 分析

30. S + be meant + to + V


31. be meant for 天生適合做……

32. It’s a lot better than … 比……得多

33. That does it! 就這樣了!/ 夠了!

34. lead to 導致

35. sufficient 足夠的

36. intelligence 理解力,情報

37. assess 評估

38. rule of thumb 經驗法則

39. take sth. into account 對……加以考慮

40. promote 促銷

41. attain 獲得

42. feedback 回饋,回應

43. potential 潛在的,可能的

44. It’s possible to + V 做……是可能的

45. matter less than  較……不重要

46. manufacture 製造商

47. brownnose 對……拍馬屁

48. something should not be taken lightly


49. correspond to 和……一致,相當於……

50. in advance 事先

51. Long time no see. 好久不見

52. open an account 開戶

53. full of energy = filled with energy    精力充沛

54. withdraw 提款

55. red envelope 紅包

56. deposit 存款 

57. run into 不期而遇

58. do errands 辦事

59. take park in 參與

60. risky冒險的,危險的

61. chaotic = be in chaos (語氣較強)

      = be in disorder = be in a mess 

      混亂的 / 處於混亂的狀態

62. all part of the fun 樂趣之所在

63. associate A with B   A聯想到B

64. associate with sb. 與某人有關係,與某人為伍

65. expertise 專門知識,專門技術

66. deceptive 騙人的,欺詐的

67. criminal 罪犯

68. protect A from B 保護 A 免於 B

69. make/win a name for oneself 揚名,成名

70. position 職位

71. employ 雇用

72. offer A against B 提供 A 對抗 B

73. contraceptive 避孕劑,避孕用具

74. durable 耐用的

75. to put two and two together 綜合判斷起來

76. make a blunder 犯大錯,出漏子

77. receipt 收據

78. burglar alarm 防盜警鈴

79. leave something to be desired 不盡如人意

80. You’ve got to take the good with the bad.


81. get laid off 被解僱

82. resume 履歷表

83. initiative 進取心,開創精神

84. help wanted 徵才,求才

85. by word of mouth 口耳相傳,口碑

86. put in a good word for someone


87. classified ad(s) 分類廣告

88. job hunt 找工作,

89. pan out = turn out well = work out  發展,成功

90. stick to 堅守,堅持

91. at any rate in any case = anyhow = anyway

      = whatever happens  無論如何

92. architecture 建築物

93. option 選擇

94. heritage 遺產

95. sponsor 贊助者,主辦者

96. candidate 候選人

97. be weary from … = be tired from …

      = be exhausted from    因……而感到疲累

98. be weary of … = be tired of … 對……感到厭煩

99. benefit from … 從……獲利

100. natural disaster 天然災害



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